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        News GDPP
        当前位置:首页>News GDPP
        【Bilingual】新时代检察法律监督 | 锻造忠诚干净担当的过硬检察铁军
        时间:2022-09-02  作者:  新闻来源:阳光检务网  【字号: | |

        ▌The Publicity Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a press conference on July 18 under the theme of “China in the past decade.” Mr. Tong Jianming, deputy secretary of Party leadership group and first deputy prosecutor general of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate attended the press conference. He introduced the progress and effect of legal supervision of the people’s procuratorates in the new era and answered the questions from the press. We will introduce the related procuratorial work in five sections:


        ▌The people’s procuratorates have been working ceaselessly to keep ourselves competent to cement the foundation for the long-term development of procuratorial work. We have launched the campaign on Party history learning and education on an ongoing basis, and activities have also been carried out to rectify and consolidate the ranks of procuratorial organs. Training programs have been launched to improve staff members’ political awareness and competence. Stepped-up efforts have been made to improve the evaluation system for procuratorial personnel to promote their political caliber, professional competence, and work ethics in a synergized manner. To foster a healthy judicial atmosphere of integrity, we have made great efforts to implement the three sets of regulations on preventing interference with judicial procedures and make greater efforts to ensure prevention and control of judicial interference.


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